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Showing posts from April, 2016

Sacred Moments

If I'm not too tired after work, I often take a stoll around Temple Square. As I do, I can't help but think about how blessed I am to be a member of this church. My wanderings usually lead me to a bench in the southwest corner, from which I have a view of the Assembly Hall, Tabernacle, Conference Center, Salt Lake Temple, Joseph Smith Memorial Building, and several statues of pioneers. As I sit, I think about my purpose in life and what I can do to be a better disciple of Christ. When my ponderings are done, I take a picture, say a prayer, and resolve once again to do all I can to build the Kingdom of God. These are sacred moments, for in them I am given a witness that I truly am a child of God.

Words of Wisdom

Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted on this blog. These last few months have been some of the most trying, as well as the most educational months of my life. I learned so much from the trials I faced and so I'd like to share with you some words of wisdom. As you can tell from my last post (" Broken "), life hit me pretty hard. When people ask me what I've been doing lately, I tell them I've been hibernating, because truthfully, that's the best description I can think of. Most of my recent trials have involved relationships with people. I've was betrayed by family members, cheated by friends, and at times I've even felt abandoned by God. When I was younger, I discovered that when a room or a drawer or a backpack is so messy that it becomes unmanageable, it's often easier to just remove everything and only put back what's important rather than trying to sort through the mess. So that's what I did with my life. The time I ...